We’re a tight knit family at More? all driven by the familiar principles of passion & professionalism, with a focus on fun and creativity along the way. It takes a light heart to make a light cake - without joy baking seems to be simply without character. All of our staff live, breathe, and of course eat great food, and will happily share their expertise with you every day.

Depending on the time of day, and who is put in charge of the truly impressive music system, the sounds emanating from the bakery are as varied as the flavours and ingredients. The tempo varies from Polish hip-hop to classical concertos with a sprinkling of questionable Euro pop thrown in. The musical and cultural diversity reflects the varied nature of our team but we think it’s this magical mix that helps our team create the unique flavour of More?

"With such knowledgable staff, I can always find the perfect bread for any occasion. And with an ever evolving menu, I'll keep on coming back."

It’s Patrick that heads the team and whilst spending a lot of time developing and crafting new products with the talented and skilled More?, Patrick also finds time to work closely with the consumer association Which and currently holds the auspicious title of "Which Bread expert". Having sat on many tasting panels with the likes of Mary Berry and the GBBO team his palate and bakery expertise are second to none.

Visit the bakery cafe to sample the fruits of our labour.



Monday to Thursday
Cafe: 8am - 4pm
Hot Food: 8am - 3.30pm

Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Cafe: 8am - 5pm
Hot Food: 8am - 4pm

The best way to keep up with all that is More? is to join Friends & Family.

Your Details
© MORE? The Artisan Bakery 2015 - 2024. All rights reserved.
MORE? The Artisan Bakery is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered office: Middle Of The Mill, Staveley Mill Yard, Staveley, Cumbria, LA8 9LR. Registered number: 06786344